True Confessions Of Adrian

True Confessions Of Adrian

85.9% (Оценок: 814)
Категория: Penguin Group
Издательство:: Penguin Group
Страницы: 163
Формат: fb2, epub, pdf, txt
Penguin Books Ltd.. «The True Confessions of Adrian Mole» is the third in the series to be part of Penguin's Sue Townsend repackaging programme. A chance to sell Sue Townsend to a whole new audience! Adrian Mole has grown up. At least that's what it says on his passport. But living at home, clinging to his threadbare cuddly rabbit «Pinky», working as a paper pusher for the DoE and pining for the love of his life Pandora has proved to him that adulthood isn't quite what he hoped it would be. Still, intellectual poets can't always have things their own way... Included here are two other less well-known diarists: Sue Townsend and Margaret Hilda Roberts, a rather ambitious grocer's daughter from Grantham.

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