The Penguin Dictionary of English Grammar

The Penguin Dictionary of English Grammar

78.6% (Оценок: 772)
Категория: Penguin Group
Издательство:: Penguin Group
Год: 2005
Страницы: 160
Формат: fb2, epub, pdf, txt
An understanding of grammar enables us to see how language works and how to use it in the right ways. This clear, succinct and up-to-date dictionary, which covers virtually every significant grammatical term, is ideal for teachers, students and anyone who wants to write correctly (without sounding old-fashioned or fussily pedantic). It provides: Crisp, practical definitions of all the central concepts and their application: from abbreviation, abstract noun and adverb to verb, word order and yes-no question Authoritative guidance through the minefield of more technical terms (and those mainly applicable to other languages): accusative, attraction, backshift, common gender, dummy Extensive coverage of recent innovations and the ideas introduced by leading scholars such as Noam Chomsky and Randolph Quirk: complement clause, noun phrase, subject raising Lively examples of current usage

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