Indigo Blue

Indigo Blue

58.8% (Оценок: 1756)
Категория: Penguin Group
Издательство:: Penguin Group
Страницы: 192
Формат: fb2, epub, pdf, txt
Indie's mum loves the colour blue. Blue is the colour of her favourite things — bluebirds, bluebells, the sky. So much so that she named her children Indigo and Misty — shades of blue, special colours, magical colours. Indie loves her mum. But blue isn't always a happy colour — and there's a lot of sad stuff in her mum's life. And now suddenly she wants them to run away from their lovely house and leave Max — mum's fella — behind. Indie doesn't know why. Or where they're going. Or how to tell her friends. In a dingy old flat with a grumpy neighbour, no heating and only biscuits to eat, Indie begins to realise that her mum's got a secret — a reason she really needed to get away. Indie mustn't let her go near Max again — or something terrible will happen. A powerful, moving and tender book about love, family, domestic violence — and what it feels like to get the blues.

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