How to Write Better English (B)

How to Write Better English (B)

85.7% (Оценок: 4756)
Категория: Penguin Group
Издательство:: Penguin Group
Год: 2005
Страницы: 336
Формат: fb2, epub, pdf, txt
The Penguin Writers' Guides series provides authoritative, succinct and easy-to-follow guidance on specific aspects of written English. Whether you need to brush up your skills or get to grips with something for the first time, these invaluable Guides will help you find the best way to get your message across clearly and effectively. This essential guide covers the key rules — and pitfalls — of written and spoken grammar. It covers such areas as: the building blocks of language, common errors and misconceptions, choosing the right level of expression, differences between British and American English, and political correctness. It also discusses various uses of language, from creative writing, CVs and reports to verbal presentations, and business and personal letters, with many useful suggestions for accurate and fluent English.

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