D Is For Dahl

D Is For Dahl

77.7% (Оценок: 624)
Категория: Penguin Group
Издательство:: Penguin Group
Страницы: 160
Формат: fb2, epub, pdf, txt
From Aardvark to Zipfizzing, this is THE alphabetical guide to everything you ever needed to know — and a lot that you didn't — about Britain's best-loved, bestselling children's writer, packed with fascinating and completely unnecessary facts about Dahl's life, books and family. With snippets from his school reports, secrets that he shared with his best friends and the truth about where he got the inspiration for his most famous creations — once you dip in to D is for Dahl you'll be sucked into an irresistible vortex and come out a complete Dahlmaniac!

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