Word by Word: Primary. Phonics Picture Dictionary

Word by Word: Primary. Phonics Picture Dictionary

57.5% (Оценок: 2196)
Категория: Pearson
Издательство:: Pearson
Год: 2000
Страницы: 236
Формат: fb2, epub, pdf, txt
Word by Word Primary Phonics Picture Dictionary. • A comprehensive and systematic phonics-based vocabulary development program in a lively and motivating picture dictionary format. • A flexible program of short, easy-to-use phonics lessons designed to support core reading, language arts, or English language learning materials — not replace them. • An innovative curriculum covering: • Sound/Letter Association & Phonograms. • Decoding & Word Recognition. • Vocabulary Concepts & Skills. • Careful sequencing and instructional strategies to promote English language learners' skills in listening discrimination, pronunciation, and basic grammar.

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