Strategic Management: An Introduction to Business and Corporate Strategy

Strategic Management: An Introduction to Business and Corporate Strategy

67.9% (Оценок: 561)
Категория: Pearson
Издательство:: Pearson
Год: 2000
Страницы: 792
Формат: fb2, epub, pdf, txt
This edition of «Corporate Strategy» builds on the strength and uniqueness of the first edition. This is the only text that provides comprehensive coverage of both rational and creative approaches to strategy. International coverage, which also marked out the first edition, has been expanded with the addition of a chapter on the global issues that effect strategy formulation.The structure of the book can be adapted for use on a variety of short, modular strategy courses and on more advanced courses. With a teaching package that includes a lecturer's manual, OHPs, extra long cases and an interactive web site, «Corporate Strategy» provides the lecturer and student with a flexible and exciting learning resource. This book is suitable for Strategic Management Business Studies; MBA; other Masters business programs.

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