Side by Side 3: Activity Workbook

Side by Side 3: Activity Workbook

96.6% (Оценок: 564)
Категория: Pearson
Издательство:: Pearson
Год: 2001
Страницы: 126
Формат: fb2, epub, pdf, txt
The Side by Side Activity Workbooks offer a variety of exercises for reinforcement, fully coordinated with the student texts. A special feature of the Activity Workbooks is the inclusion of Grammar Raps for practice with rhythm, stress, and intonation and Grammar Songs from the Side by Side TV videos. Periodic check-up tests are also included in the workbooks. Side by Side Plus is a standards-based and grammar-based English language program for adult and young-adult learners, The program builds students' general language proficiency and prepares them for their life-skill roles in the community, family, school, and at work.

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