Opportunities Pre-Intermediate Test Book

Opportunities Pre-Intermediate Test Book

57.7% (Оценок: 987)
Категория: Pearson
Издательство:: Pearson
Год: 2000
Topics covered include: Lifestyles, Heroes, Celebration, Money, Cyberspace, The Sea, Rhythm, Design. 'Language Problem Solving' pages make the language learning more focussed and effective. 'Quote...Unquote' sections provide stimulation for further activities and discussion. 'Culture Corners' expose students to a variety of different cultures. 'Learning to Learn' sections encourage independent learning and good learning habits for life. Includes grammar summary. Material is reviewed after every module. Free Mini-Dictionary. Includes all the words necessary to use Opportunities at the relevant level. can save time in the classroom and promote vocabulary activities.

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