Northstar Listening and Speaking 2Ed Basic
Explore fascinating content while building language competence and critical thinking skills. The best-selling NorthStar series (Series Editors: Frances Boyd and Carol Numrich), now in its Second Edition, offers two strands: a reading and writing strand and a listening and speaking strand. Both strands stimulate students' imagination, encourage critical thinking, and promote personal expression. Revision Features: * New and updated high-interest topics motivate students to express their own points of view. * Expanded vocabulary and pronunciation practice ensure greater language proficiency. * A grammar correlation chart links NorthStar, Second Edition, to two leading grammar series: Focus on Grammar and the Azar Grammar series. *The fully integrated approach includes a teacher's manual with achievement tests, process writing activity books, audio recordings of the main reading and listening sections, a new video program, and a Companion Website (with vocabulary worksheets, video worksheets, Internet activities, and other resources). Sample Audio Listen to samples from the Audio CDs: Unit 5: «Celletiquette» *Listening One (0:55) *Listening for Main Ideas (4:30) *Reacting to the Listening: Exercise 1: Excerpt 1 (0:43) *Reacting to the Listening: Exercise 1: Excerpt 2 (0:19) *Listening Two: E-mail 1 (2:36) *Listening Two: E-mail 2 (0:45) *Listening Two: E-mail 3 (0:39) *Pronunciation (0:17) *Pronunciation: Exercise 1 (0:51) *Pronunciation: Exercise 2 (1:09).