Market Leader: Advanced Business English Teacher's Resource Book (+ CD-ROM)

Market Leader: Advanced Business English Teacher's Resource Book (+ CD-ROM)

57.7% (Оценок: 825)
Категория: Pearson
Издательство:: Pearson
Год: 2006
Страницы: 232
Формат: fb2, epub, pdf, txt
From the world's most informed business sources... a new language course for tomorrow's business leaders. Following on from Market Leader Upper Intermediate, Market Leader Advanced is part of a distinctive, five-level business English course. Drawing on the extensive media assets of the Financial Times and other sources, the course offers a highly authoritative and flexible range of materials for business English learners worldwide. Essential business content and skills: — Critical business issues of our time: topics include training, public/private partnerships, consultants, strategy and project management. — Case studies in each Course Book unit for real practice of key business skills. Choice and Flexibility. The wide range of components support teachers and offer choice and flexibility. The Teacher's Resource Book provides a general introduction to the course, detailed teaching notes, the business background to each unit, a Text bank of extra reading texts and a Resource Bank of photocopiable communication activities for classroom use. New for Teachers. Create your own clas tests quickly and easily with the Test Master CD-ROM.

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